Trip Itinerary – Cross Country, West Coast to East Coast.

Friday, Feb. 15th. We are going through with this. The tentative trip itinerary is as follows: Portland, Seattle, Whistler BC, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Crescent City, Eureka, Ukiah, Berkeley, Freemont-factory visit, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon Natl Park, Flagstaff, Albuquerque, Amarillo, Okalahoma City, Dallas, Houston,  New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Gainesville, Daytona Beach, Orlando, to Miami. We are in no hurry and we plan to have lots of fun along the way. Next post, is about our battery give-a-way.

This is going to be our office for the next month or so.

This is going to be our office for the next month or so.